A Safer Company LLC

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Twine Napkin Rings


  • Twine
  • Mod Podge (or fabric stiffener, or Elmer's Glue)
  • Long skinny balloon or something else of that shape
  • Masking Tape


  1. Inflate the balloon and taped the end of the twine to the balloon.
  2. Wrap the twine around the balloon keeping it close together until you have the desired length. I wanted the napkin rings to be 2 inches each and I wanted 8 rings so I made mine 16 inches in length.
    twine napkin 3
  3. Then smother the Mod Podge on the twine. Once it dries (it will dry clear), pop the balloon and cut into 2 inch sections. Done! Use for your next dinner party! It will add a natural touch to your table decor.

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC