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Uses for Coconut Oil

Whip coconut oil in your mixer for a fluffy consistency.

Research is showing that it may help with:

    1. dementia, Alzheimer's
    2. Parkinson's.
    3. ADHD
    4. Autism


  1. help prevent and smooth wrinkles and sagging
  2. reduce visibility of stretch marks or to prevent stretch marks.
  3. shrinks pores.
  4. strengthen eyelashes, nails and cuticles
  5. Energy boost.
  6. Massage into tired, achy, or sore muscles (adding a couple drops of essential oil is nice).
  7. detox the body during a cleanse or fast.

Use as a:

  1. Take a spoonful about 20 minutes before a meal to help curb your appetite.
  2. a natural sunscreen
  3. a natural deodorant.
  4. instead of shaving cream.
  5. a makeup remover.
  6. a facial scrub - Mix with baking soda.
  7. lip moisturizer.
  8. super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal). Use on color-treated hair for extra conditioning hair treatment.
  9. styling agent if you have really dry hair. Just rub a tiny bit on your palms and apply to your hair and style as normal.
  10. toothpaste or lotion.
  11. use in place of massage oil.


  1. Use instead of shortening for pie crusts, biscuits, etc.
  2. Use to lubricate kitchen scissors when cutting sticky foods (like dates, marshmallows, etc.)
  3. Mix in your hot coffee or tea.
  4. condition your wooden cutting boards.
  5. Replace vegetable oils in your cooking and baking.
  6. Use instead of butter:
    • toast
    • pop corn
  7. Mix with garlic and keep on hand for extra flavorful cooking and baking.
  8. Make healthy Magic Shell ice cream topping.
  9. base for homemade chocolate candy (like peanut butter cups).

Around the House

  1. shine plant's leaves
  2. detail the inside of your car (add a little to a soft cloth and polish).
  3. Use instead of mineral spirits to clean hands and brushes after using oil-based paints.
  4. Mix with baking soda for a non-toxic "Goo Gone".
  5. clean a scummy shower. Wipe with coconut oil, then spray with white vinegar and wipe dry.
  6. to remove chewing gum from your hair, shoe, carpet, or other unsavory areas where gum has gotten stuck.
  7. a metal polish, but always test a small area first
  8. a leather moisturizer.
  9. a guitar string lubricant.
  10. Mix with a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice and use as a furniture polish
  11. Season your cast iron pans.
  12. to oil your pans and baking dishes instead of pan spray.
  13. Use instead of WD-40.

May improve:

    • absorption of vitamins.
    • digestion
    • overall immune function
    • thyroid function.


    • cold sore
    • heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion.
    • spread a thin layer on cuts or burns to speed up healing.
    • nosebleeds, coat the inside of your nostrils regularly.
    • sooth sore throats
    • pimples and acne. Mix with nutmeg and use on blemishes (leave on for 10-15 minutes and then wash off).
    • sooth chicken pox, shingles, or other rashes or skin irritations.
    • Mix with oregano oil or tea tree oil and use on athletes foot, ringworm or other fungal infections.
    • warts and/or moles.
    • to soothe and heal bee stings or bug bites.
    • to treat lice.
    • reduce or eliminate migraines.
    • cracked or rough heals.
    • relieve yeast infections, dryness, and/or discomfort or personal lubricant (not safe with latex)
    • soothe and heal hemorrhoids.
    • ear infections. Put a few drops into your ear at the first sign of an infection.
    • soothe burns
    • control and reduce eczema and/or psoriasis symptoms
    • bladder infections and symptoms.
    • helped soften kidney stones to help them pass easier.
    • thrush
    • sty on their eyelid


  1. Add a spoonful to your dog's food to help with arthritis, or other joint/ligament problems, digestion issues, and weight control.
  2. Massage into your dog's skin to help with:
    • dandruff
    • a non-toxic flea treatment
    • to soothe hot spots on your dog's skin.


    1. help prevents stretch marks for pregnant mothers.
    2. baby's diaper rash or cradle cap.
    3. For nursing mothers:
      • on your nipples to prevent cracking and irritation on nipples.
      • consuming coconut oil will help increase your milk flow.

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC