A Safer Company LLC

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Burlap Napkin Rings


  • Burlap — eight inches wide by 13.5 inches long section to make 6 napkin rings
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Napkin rings (Dollar Tree)
  • Jewelry embellishments (I got mine from Michaels on sale — 2 for $1.99 plus 30% off)
  • Ribbon


  1. Cut your burlap into strips 2 1/4 inches wide by 8 inches in length.
  2. Put your ring in the middle of the burlap strip.
  3. Put a dot of hot glue in the center at the bottom of the ring.
  4. Hold the material tight around the outside of the ring and bring the edges together where the glue dot is.
  5. Press down tightly. If using hot glue, not low temp, let the glue sit for a few seconds before bringing the material around on top of it. It is very easy to burn your fingers. It is good to let the glue cool off just a bit first.
  6. You can also use the end of a Popsicle stick or end of a pencil to hold the glue while it is hot and then smooth it down with your fingers once it is almost cool.
  7. Repeat step 2 all the way around the napkin ring until you are back at the beginning.
  8. When you are back to the seam again, overlap the burlap so that it goes over the first seam and cut off any excess. Run a line of glue under the outside seam of the burlap and press down to close.
  9. Measure your ribbon. Cut the ribbon to the length of the circumference of the napkin ring.
  10. Once your burlap is attached, put a dot of hot glue on the seam of the napkin ring. Put the edge of the ribbon on the hot glue, run the ribbon around the napkin ring until you reach the hot glue again. Press the end of the ribbon into the hot glue. If the glue has cooled, put another dot of hot glue on top of the other end and press down.
  11. Once the ribbon is attached, attach your decorative jewelry pieces. Mine had loops on four sides that are used if you using them for jewelry. I cut the loops off using pliers. I used Gorilla Glue to attach the jewelry piece to the napkin ring. I put a small dot of glue at the top and bottom of the jewelry piece and put it on the top of the napkin ring – so the seam is opposite on the back. I held it down for a couple of minutes until it was tacky and then let it sit so the jewelry piece was facing up until it was completely dried – about 2 hours.

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC