A Safer Company LLC

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Mercury Glass


  • Krylon Looking Glass spray - WalMart
  • glass jars or glass candleholders, vases, picture frames
  • vinegar
  • water
  • empty spary bottle


  1. Gather glass objects.
  2. Work on a protected surface in a well-ventilated area. Clean glass before starting.
  3. Make a spray of 50% vinegar and 50% water and put it into a spray bottle.
  4. Spray the object and let it sit for a minute.
  5. Spray a very thin, light, even layer of Looking Glass paint.
  6. Let it rest for 1 minute (it dries fast) and repeat for 5 applications.
  7. Use a paper towel and gently dabbed the beads of vinegar.
  8. Finish with one or two very light coats of the Looking Glass spray paint.
  9. Optional: Apply protective coat, like a clear spray.
  10. NOTE: Don't put live plants or food into a container that you've sprayed.

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC