A Safer Company LLC

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Jar Lanterns


  • Mason jar
  • 2 1/2 – 3 1/2 feet of wire (wire wrapped in a fiber from Micheal’s.)
  • wire cutters
  • pencil
  • pliers
  • sand or potting soil
  • voltive candle


  1. Measure 8 inches in from one end of the wire and twist the wire around a pencil. Twist a second time to secure.
  2. Wrap around the Mason jar just under the large lip. Twist it tightly to secure. Then use your pliers to twist it again to make sure it’s good and tight.
  3. Placed the pencil through the side with the loop to give it one last twist to secure.
  4. Thread the long end through the loop to make the handle.
  5. Now twist both sides up around the handle.
  6. Use your pliers to make sure the twist is secure.
  7. Fill with potting soil or sand.
  8. Add your candle.

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC